Electronic tendering is the use of electronic method to conduct procurement functions which
entail tendering process. It is rapidly supporting organizational structure transformation and
coordination of the business relationships. In Kenya, statistics show that out of 100
organizations implementing electronic tendering, 25% fail in the same. There is thus a challenge
still encountered despite the developments in electronic tendering. In addition, there are very
few studies conducted with regard to the electronic tendering. The study therefore sought to
establish effects of electronic tendering on supply chain performance of the county government
of Homa-Bay, Kenya. The study was based on the theories of disruptive innovation, and
technology acceptance. A correlational research design was adopted. Target population of the
study was 400 staff based on the 10 departments of the county government of HomaBay.
Simple random sampling was used to sample 196 respondents while 30 questionnaires were
piloted which were excluded from the main study to iron out any ambiguities, tested and purged
using the SPSS. Cronbach Alpha technique for reliability with threshold of 0.705 indicated that
the instrument is reliable and, content and construct validity confirmed that the instrument was also valid. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyzed quantitative data while
verbatim reports and transcriptions were used to analyze qualitative data. The study revealed
that electronic tendering had positive and significant effect on supply chain performance and
accounted for significant variance, (β=.809, R2=.654, p=.000). These findings imply that
electronic tendering has a positive and significant effect on supply chain performance. The
study recommends that the county Government carries out electronic tendering awareness to
enhance the understanding and practices and thereby improve supply chain performance.